Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Data Structures

Types of Data Structures
  • Arrays
  • Linked list
    • Single
    • Double
    • Circular
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Hash table
  • Trees and Graphs
    • Binary search tree

Linked list

Dynamic array allocation requires effort. Need to use realloc
Dynamic allocation and de-allocation is easy
Entire array in stack or can be malloced and used in heap
Head in stack, ll in heap
Time to access any element is a constant
Time to access an element is related to how far it is located from the head

  • Contiguous space for same data type
  • Need to take care of buffer flow. Do a boundary check wherever required

  • Operations performed - add, delete, edit 
  • In a single linked list, the best place to add a new element is the head of the list.
  • Very important boundary condition is to check for empty  list case i.e head is null
  • How to reverse a single linked list.? 
Sample solution
Node * reverse( Node * ptr )
Node * temp;
 Node * previous = NULL;
 while(ptr != NULL) {
     temp = ptr->next;
     ptr->next = previous;
     previous = ptr;
     ptr = temp;
 return previous;

  • Given a random set of data, hash table gives the optimum way to search for the data
  • perform hash function on the key to get the index
  • If multiple keys lead to the same index, we create a bucket with the index pointing a linked list of all possible entries. Parse through the linked list to fetch the desired entry
  • LIFO
  • FIFO
Traversal methods
  • Pre order      RoLR
  • Inorder         LRoR
  • Post order      LRRo
Search Methods
  • BFS
  • DFS

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